Moose Ridge Gathering
*Ticket prices reflect the actual cost of running the Moose Ridge Gathering each year. This is not a for-profit event. If you would like to attend but your budget is tight this year, we offer a limited number of work-trade and scholarship opportunities. Email us at contact@mooseridgewild for more information.*
Adult $150
Child (12-18) $75
Child (5-11) $40
Child (under 5) FREE
Meal tickets include seven organic and/or locally sourced meals, prepared by Chef Mark Cahill.
Friday: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Saturday: breakfast, lunch
Sunday: breakfast, lunch
Saturday dinner is our traditional potluck which is not included in the meal ticket since most people choose to bring a dish to share. If you want to participate in the potluck but can't bring a dish due to travel or other reasons, you can buy in to the potluck.
Thursday dinner is not included in the meal plan since many people arrive after dinner time or not until Friday morning. We offer sandwiches or other light fare for sale on Thursday.